Create a Well-Structured Will
Establish your wishes, such as guardian(s) of minor children, charitable giving, executor of your estate and other crucial details that will protect your legacy.
Appoint a Decision Maker
If you are unable to make decisions for yourself, decide who you trust with Power of Attorney over your finances and healthcare.
Minimize Estate Taxes
Don't leave your heirs with hefty tax burdens. Estate taxes is a crucial component of any good estate plan.
Take Charge of Your Healthcare
Should you become incapacitated, the last thing you need is for someone who doesn't know you to make your medical decisions for you. Preparing advance directives avoids confusion.
Select Your Beneficiaries
Minimize potential family conflicts by clearly communicating your intentions and decisions for your immediate, extended and/or blended family.
Decide Your Successor
If you own a business, you can create a smooth transition plan by appointing your successor in advance.